About Me

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Well I've set 3 goals for myself this year Madison 1/2 Marathon May 30th, RAGBRAI the last week in July, and the Twin Cities Marathon October 3rd. I was told that blogging training progress helps with motivation. This should be a very difficult but fun and rewarding year.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This race was a blast, finished in 1:56:22 pretty happy for how hot it was. I ran with Pacer Jim and a few other really nice people, got to enjoy some great views of a wonderful town. Stef and I went up Friday morning, went to the beach, then went over to State St where we walked around and had dinner. On Saturday we did the farmers market, the zoo, and had dinner with my family and Libby, Andy and their friends. Sunday was the race then that evening we went back to State ST for some frozen yogurt and then saw a movie. It was beautiful everyday and I have to thank those who came for all your support. I am signing up for the Red, White, and Boom 1/2 on the Fourth of July in NE MPLS because I have to do better.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's time...

The first of my 3 goals is here, the Madison 1/2 marathon. I have had a great weekend in Madison, the course looked really nice and I am excited to get underway at 7:20 am. I'll post pics and reaction here and on facebook when I am done.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I started this because it was supposed to help me be motivated to run. I can't wait to run everyday, the only thing I'm not motivated to do is write this dang thing.

Monday, April 26, 2010

So I hit my first double digit run on Saturday, 10.25 miles took me just over 90 minutes. Felt pretty good, Cedar Falls was not very accommodating with all the torn up sidewalks and debris all over. I picked the hilliest damn course to repeat 4 times but oh well, makes my thighs look amazing lol. Got to work a shit-ton of hours this week with Reese on vacation. Gonna be hard to find time for anything, but work and running. Tuesday is a day off so I'll spend that hanging with Stef, this weekend I actually will be in MPLS. I'm trying to decide if I should do 4 laps around Calhoun or 2 laps around Calhoun/Isles to get my 12 miles in. Either way hope the weather behaves so I can enjoy a nice long Saturday run.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Had a pretty nice weekend, though lots of driving. Friday went down to Ames had dinner with mom, Arthur, and Chris Mahan, was a good time. Saturday morning ran 8 miles in the country outside of Ames, it was so peacful and nice. There were four cows that looked at me like who the fuck do you think you are, but I didn't let that bother me one bit. We then went over to the campus and looked at the exhibits. There were actually people dressed up as mid-evil combatants, wow is all I have to say about that. Drove back up for Mari's birthday party on Saturday night, great food and dessert. On Sunday I took my first long bike ride, did an hour. We then got dominated by the Augsburg wrestling team in dodgeball.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Purchased my bike today, thanks for the insider advantage Kate. Got a schwinn hybrid, seems cool, I don't know much about bikes. Got it at Target all the bike shops weren't any cheaper than $500. I then went for my standard four mile run but I crushed it today, and dominated the last mile of big hills. 7:50 miles and felt great, got a 4 miler with Steffy in the morning, and a 8 miler in Ames on Saturday. Going down to see Arthurs senior project, jesus I'm getting old, not ad old as mom and dad though.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm not good at this...

Well I seem to slack on posting here now days. I ran my second 5k on Saturday did this one in 23:28, much improved from my first time. Tony came up this weeked to watch opening day which was a blast, no work and baseball from noon to midnight. Yesterday I got in 7 miles in 59:48, my goal was 60 minutes, heck ya. Have the Run the Valley 10k on Saturday, then I'll be bored cuz Stef is babysitting Saturday night.